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DIY Waterproof Pallet Dog Bed

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  • 1 Pallet
  • 1 2×4
  • 1 tub liquid nails or other adhesive
  • 1 inch thick upholstery padding
  • 1 vinyl shower curtain from dollar store
  • Durable fabric for cover
  • Paint color of choice
  • Hand saw
  • Jig Saw (optional)
  • 43 ½ inch screws
  • Drill
  • 7 9/6 drill bit
  • Scissors
  • Measuring Tape
  • Carpenters t


  1. Use a hand saw to cut a pallet in half. You will be cutting along the width, not the length.
  2. Determine which side of the pallet will be the front of the dog bed and which will be the back. Measure the length of the back of pallet. Mark the length of the pallet on the 2×4.
  3. Line up the carpenters triangle to draw a straight cutting line across the 2×4.
  4. Cut the 2×4 using the jig saw. You can also use a hand saw if you don’t have a jig saw.
  5. Line up the piece of 2×4 you just cut with the pallet. Measure the length of each side of the pallet. Cut the remaining 2×4 to size. You should have 3 pieces of cut 2×4, a back and two sides.
  6. Sand 2×4’s a pallet to remove splinters.
  7. Drill 2 holes on each side of the 2×4 that will act as the back of the dog bed.
  8. Line sides pieces up with the back piece. Screw sides into place. It will form a u shaped bed rail.
  9. Glue bed rail to pallet using Liquid Nail or other multipurpose adhesive. Set the other half of the pallet you are not using on top and let dry overnight. When dry you should be able to lift the entire bed by the rail without it falling off.
  10. Prime and paint dog bed. Leave outside to dry completely.
  11. To make dog pad, measure the length and width of where the pad will go. Cut 2 pieces of 1 in upholstery padding to fit the bed.
  12. Wrap padding in vinyl shower curtain. Use a glue gun to seal the edges. Trim off any excess vinyl. Your cushion is now waterproof!
  13. Place the cushion in the center of your material. Cut around the cushion, leaving 3 inches of extra material all the way around. You will do this twice so that you have a top and bottom cover for your dog bed.
  14. Cover cushion with material. Cut 3 inch strips in the material all around the cushion on 3 sides. Tie the strips together. You will tie one strip from the top cover with one strip from the bottom.
  15. You are all done! Just place the cushion on the dog bed for your furry friends to enjoy. When you need to wash the cover, just slip the cushion out and throw in the wash!